Android 14

Activate Transparent Navigation bar on all apps with Android 14 beta 1

It’s no news that the Android 14 Beta 1 is now available – this is after we’ve had two developer previews of the software update. Well, one of the features that will be rolled out via the Android 14 beta 1 is the transparent navigation bar. 

Transparent Navigation bar

The navigation bar is a unique feature of Android ever since and it has continued to get better and probably with a few tweaks in functionality over the years. Well, there’s now a transparent navigation bar.

Further details on the transparent navigation bar

Usually, over the years, the color surrounding the navigation bar used to be the color of the app in the background. Or sometimes it appears to be transparent, revealing the content that’s supposed to be behind the navigation buttons. But sometimes (and quite frustrating) the region around the navigation buttons just turns black.

In reaction to this inconvenience, the Android 14 Beta 1 will be enabling a transparent navigation bar permanently which will then make the color of the background match the color of the navigation bar. Google explains it as “Make navigation bar background color transparent by default”.

According to sources, the transparent navigation bar can be accessed in the developer options. Simply navigate to Settings, Developer options, and then the transparent navigation bar. That said, some apps can’t access this feature rather the content and the UI under the navigation buttons will not be visible. This is quite understandable as the feature is a developers option feature and not a UI-direct feature. And besides, some apps might not have edge to edge visibility. Oh well, it’s quite uncertain whether the feature will be available in the Android 14 final release – of course, time will tell.

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