Google has been testing Android 15 since early this year. The tech company achieved platform stability with the release of Android 15 beta 3. They have released the final beta build, Beta 4.2, and are planning for the next Future Drop to arrive in December.

The next Quarterly Platform stable release will arrive in December, based on Android 15. Given the time it takes for Google to preview these builds and the new features, it makes sense to start testing now. That is what the company plans to do, as new reports suggest the build is ready to start rolling out.
It’s unclear when it will start seeding, but according to Mishaal, it will probably arrive with a build ID: AP41.240726.009. Of course, only those participating in the beta program will receive the update. However, it means you will not get stable Android 15 when it rolls out, but you can opt-out from the beta program now if you want to test the stable build.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean the stable Android 15 update will start seeding with the first QPR1 beta about to be released. The same thing happened last year, and we still expect to see the stable build of the new OS around September or early October.
Meanwhile, you can remain in the beta program to receive Android 15 QPR1 beta 1. They are mostly stable and can be used on a daily driver. But that means you can’t opt out again until late December. Hence, if you wish to receive stable Android 15, now is the best time to leave the beta program.
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