
Android Auto 12.1 stable update is now available

Google is rolling out a new Android Auto update to everyone. The tech company has consistently released a new update to address issues reported by users and optimize performance. Unfortunately, these updates do not come with a changelog, making it hard to say what is new. Nevertheless, we recommend installing the latest Android Auto 12.1 stable update, as Google is working on some interesting features.

Android Auto 12.1 stable update

We see a new Android Auto update every fortnight. These updates promise new features, bug fixes, and system improvement. Meanwhile, there have been bugs after installing new updates, and while we expect new updates to resolve these issues, Google does not release a changelog, making it difficult to say what is new with Android 12.1 stable, but we understand Google has made some changes. 

Google is working on a new app category for Android Auto. The tech company will allow video apps on Android Auto, meaning you can finally watch YouTube in your car. Of course, that’s already possible on Android Automotive when parked. In addition, apps designed for big screens will be allowed on Android Auto. 

As always, these changes are still in the beta phase. It will take time before it becomes available for everyone, and we recommend installing the latest Android Auto updates to stay updated with the new changes. Meanwhile, you can download the latest release even though you are not a beta tester using the link below.

Download Android Auto 12.1 stable update

Google is rolling out the update via the Play Store. Download the APK file here and side-load the app, but only on your Android phone running Android 8.0 or newer. According to a few reports, the app crashed twice after that installation but it never happened again. 

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Adimorah Jude

I'm a passionate tech blogger.

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