You’re not alone if you’ve seen Waze stalling on Android Auto recently. A new Waze version tries to solve the Android Auto freezing issues, however, it lacks certain long-awaited functions.

Details of the Android Auto freezing issue fix
Waze for Android, which was released a few days ago, is now being rolled out to certain users as a “release candidate.” The changelog accompanying the Android Auto freezing issue fix cites a remedy for Waze stalling on Android Auto, which has been reported by numerous users in recent weeks.
The issue at hand would cause Waze to stall at odd periods while operating through Android Auto. Some users reported seeing this happen on launch, while others reported seeing the map working but their position not changing and directions not working properly. This recent version is meant to address those difficulties, but some Reddit users claim it hasn’t, so your results may vary.
Unfortunately, this version- the Android Auto freezing issue fix – and others published in recent weeks have not yet resolved one of the most serious concerns with Waze on Android Auto. Even though the platform’s “Coolwalk” revamp has been gradually going out to users over the past month, Waze has yet to update its app with support for stable updates. Although support is accessible in beta, several users have reported that the capability has vanished.
There have been some issues with Android Auto with smartphones down to this Android Auto freezing issue. Google keeps releasing an update to fix them but some persist. We hope the brand traces those that haven’t been fixed and continue to release for the current ones.