It has been over a month since Samsung released the Galaxy S24 series. The device started shipping after a few days and has already gotten to most people who ordered it. We were expecting the first Galaxy S24 update after the release, but Samsung decided to wait for review before releasing the update. The update is now rolling out, but in batches and will take some time to arrive in your region. Before the first Galaxy S24 update started rolling out, Samsung already listed all the features and improvements that will come with it. These changes are now available, but…
Author: Adimorah Jude
For decades, single-touch attribution models have been the go-to options for marketers as they strive to determine which channels drive their conversions; however, the modern consumer’s journey has grown increasingly complicated, often involving numerous touch points across different mediums, and that means single-touch models no longer provide adequate insights into the consumer journey. In response, many marketers are shifting to multi-touch attribution models, which assign conversion credit to more than one touchpoint along the journey. One such multi-touch framework that has gained traction among marketers is the time decay attribution model. By shifting to such a model yourself, you can…
Google is still testing the Android 14 QPR3 beta 1 update, but they have set their sight on Android 15. The tech company will release the first Android 15 Developer preview in the coming days ahead of the final release in Q4 2024. According to reports, Google will release the first Android 15 Developer preview build on Thursday, February 15, 2024. It was in a comment posted to the Android Open Source Project yesterday by a Google developer. The upcoming OS is called Android V, which hints at the build’s internal sesser codename, Vanilla Ice Cream. The Android 15 Developer…
The OnePlus 11 was among the phones to receive the Android 14-based OxygenOS 14 update after it was released. A subsequent update started rolling out a few days ago with the February 2024 security patch, and it seems the update has broken the camera for some people. As usual with every bug, not everyone is facing the camera issue after the latest OxygenOS 14 update. However, a good number of the device users are reporting the issue on the official OnePlus forums. According to reports, photos taken with the OnePlus 11 camera are not being saved, while the camera app crashes…
Samsung is still rolling out the Android 14-based One UI 6 update. The Korean tech company has released the much-anticipated upgrade to the Galaxy A04e. It’s available in batches and might take time to arrive on all eligible phones. The Samsung Galaxy A04e Android 14 One UI 6 update is rolling out with version number A042FXXU6DXA3. It’s available for users in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. We expect other regions to receive the update in the coming days with the December 2023 security patch. The update has delivered all One UI 6 features available for entry-level phones like the…