Xiaomi’s sub-brand, Redmi, is gearing up for the launch of its next Note series device. It will be one year next month since the Redmi Note 13 debuted in China, and with the new reports, we might see the successor next month. A new Redmi device, supposedly the Redmi Note 14 with model number 24090RA29C, has been spotted on the 3C certification website. The device is expected to debut in China soon since it has been spotted on the Chinese radio certification website. Unfortunately, the certification didn’t reveal many details about the upcoming Redmi Note 14. Nevertheless, it says the…
Author: Adimorah Jude
It has only been a few weeks since the latest Android Auto stable update rolled out, and a new beta build is already available. These updates are released to address issues reported by users, but it is hard to say the bugs that have been fixed since they do not come with a changelog. It is normal to see a new Android Auto update without a changelog, as Google has been doing that for ages. The latest Android Auto 12.6 beta build is not different. It is exclusive to beta testers and does not seem to include any changes.…
Samsung One UI 7 will arrive with Android 15, and while Google is already finalizing the next OS upgrade, Samsung has not started testing. The Korean company has One UI 6.1.1 to release before it starts testing Android 15 publicly, and that’s what is holding up the release. There were many rumors this week about the potential release of the One UI 7 beta in the coming weeks. It was also said that the One UI 6.1.1 update will roll out with the August security patch. Unfortunately, none of these reports were true, with Samsung rolling out the latest patch…
Xiaomi is among the first smartphone makers to release the latest security patch update. The Chinese company is still behind Samsung and Google, perhaps due to the number of phones they have in the market. Nevertheless, they still provide timely updates to eligible smartphones, and as expected, the August 2024 security patch is now rolling out. Unfortunately, Xiaomi isn’t rolling out the August 2024 security patch update simultaneously like Google. Only a few devices in select regions are getting the update, with Redmi Note 11 being the latest to start getting the update Globally. It’s a security patch build only,…
Amid reports of One UI 6.1.1 release for the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy 24 and other eligible phones, Samsung has started rolling out the August 2024 security patch to Galaxy phones. The update doesn’t seem to bring the much-anticipated improvements and features expected with the latest update, hinting at a delay in the One UI 6.1.1 release. Samsung has always been the first to start rolling out the latest security patch, but things took a different turn this month. The Korean company planned to release the new patch and One UI 6.1.1 simultaneously, but there has been a delay in…