WhatsApp continues to add more features to improve user’s experience while using the app. With many tabs now on the app, including communities, it becomes necessary to make it easy for users to find what they are looking for on the app. There is now a new “Favorite Filter” that lets users quickly filter contacts and calls. It can be stressful finding your favorite contacts, giving all the groups and contacts you might have on your WhatsApp. However, with the new Favorite Filter, it is now easy to access your favorite contacts when you add them to your favorites. When…
Author: Adimorah Jude
Samsung is focusing on One UI 6.1.1, with rollout starting next month, but the company is also working on One UI 7. The first public beta will likely go out next month, and hence, there is not much we know about the features. However, we might have just come across some details of the Samsung One UI 7.0 update. Of course, the One UI 7 will come with Android 15, and we already know the features Google will introduce with the update. The same can not be said about Samsung’s next Android skin, as the public beta is yet to…
It has been a few months since HyperOS was officially released to confirm the move from MIUI. Both OS are the same with minor tweaks, and as expected, Xiaomi is continuing with its usual release plans. During the time of MIUI, we get a point upgrade before a new iteration that’s tied with the latest Android OS. That has not changed, as the HyperOS 1.5 update has supposedly started rolling out. A few weeks ago report surfaced of Xiaomi developing a HyperOS 1.5 update. The company is now rolling out the update, which seems exclusive to premium phones, perhaps for…
Samsung will start the One UI 6.1.1 rollout next month, but thus far, we don’t know for sure the devices getting the upgrade. The company has supposedly confirmed phones to receive the update, but there’s still no particular date for the rollout. With Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 running the One UI 6.1.1, we expect other eligible phones to start getting the update. Like the One UI 6.1 update that first arrived with the Galaxy S24 series, Samsung plans to release the former to the older phones. Interestingly, the upgrade will arrive for non-foldable phones as part…
Android Auto users have faced many uncertainties in the past few months. It’s now a question of whether I should download the new update. There are many complaints about the app users, and it does not seem like new updates try to fix these issues. They introduce new ones. However, you never know when the update to solve your problem will arrive, and we believe the Android Auto 12.4 stable has something for a few people. Android Auto users are complaining of some issues like random disconnect and others. It started after recent updates, but Google didn’t address the bug…