Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 core configuration leaks have surfaced online. The successor to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 packs quite a punch and will thrive better in the market – probably even more than the predecessor did. Let’s take a look at the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 core configuration. Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 core configuration Kuba Wojciechowski tweeted a thread this evening with some of the first data regarding Qualcomm’s future Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 core configuration, dubbed “Lanai” or “Pineapple.” The processor will allegedly have a 2+3+2+1 layout, as opposed to the existing Snapdragon 8 Gen 2’s 1+4+3…
Author: Onyebuchi Uche
Adaptive Charging notification, since its launch in 2020, is just arriving Google Pixel phones – although late, it’s nice the feature is already here. Further details of Adaptive Charging notification During the Android 13 Beta cycle last April, sources first noticed this Adaptive Charging notification for Pixel phones in development. There have been multiple instances of it spreading. The screenshot attached(via 9to5google) is comparable to the version that is currently in use. This message is called “Adaptive Charging is on” and is issued by “Android System.” Google describes how your Pixel phone is charging steadily to improve battery longevity when…
Google has taken another step in ensuring the safety and privacy of users via tech and it’s quite amazing. You can know who sees your location on your Android phone and this article will be guiding you through how you can go about it. The location of your Android phone is one of its most private features because it is usually by your side. Anybody who has such information can monitor you for whatever purpose they wish. Because geolocation is such a personal topic, Android has features that enable you to restrict who and what apps may view your location,…
More and more leaks about the Google Pixel Tablet keep surfacing as we draw nearer to the supposed debut date. This time, the Google Pixel Tablet leaks talk about a charging stand and base. Further details on the Google Pixel Tablet charging stand leaks A fresh retail leak has emerged, revealing what appears to be the official stand for Google’s impending Pixel Tablet, branded by Google the “Charging Speaker Dock.” Whilst the design is not new to us, as it was introduced during the Made by Google event last year, we do get a clearer look at the stand from…
A different type of aesthetic will be coming to Android phones via Android 14. According to sources, Android 14 will allow different live wallpaper for lock and home screen. Android has supported live wallpapers since Android 2.0 Eclair was introduced in 2009, however, the operating system now only allows you to set a single live wallpaper for both the home and lock screens. Why can’t you set a distinct live wallpaper for lock and home screen as you can for static wallpapers? The answer appears to be “because it hasn’t been deployed yet,” however this may change with Android 14.…