Another feature will be arriving in WhatsApp in addition to the many other features that have been rolled out these past few months. This feature is called the Whatsapp split screen and it will be for the Android Tablet. Further details of Whatsapp split screen WhatsApp is still one of the most popular messaging applications on the globe, but the software has long lacked robust tablet functionality. This is primarily because WhatsApp confined users to only one device at a time for many years, although this has been loosened in recent years with the option to attach additional devices such…
Author: Onyebuchi Uche
The Pixel Watch has been announced by the Google brand and it costs about $349 in the US but just how much does it cost to build a Google Pixel Watch? Build a Google Pixel Watch- in-depth analysis of the cost Today, Counterpoint Research released fresh research on the subject. According to the in-depth study, the Pixel Watch’s total Bill of Materials (BOM) is $123. In other words, all the materials required to build a Google Pixel watch costs $123. Keep in mind that this figure excludes R&D and marketing expenses. Due to the provision of the chipset, LTE transceiver…
The LineageOS is one of those custom ROMs that come through for old smartphones and those smartphone users that don’t want to use the OS offered by their Android OEMs. In other words, you get to choose from a variety according to the one you prefer – whether based on functionality or aesthetics. The LG V30 has gotten a LineageOS via a new update. LG V30 LineageOS update So, what makes the LG V30 so noteworthy? After all, a peek at the list of compatible phones reveals that quite a number are supported, including a wide range of other LG…
Fall detection on Google Pixel watch is one attractive feature of the smartwatch and it was rolled out to the wearable(by Google) on Tuesday. This article will be showing you how to activate Fall detection on Google Pixel Watch, that’s after we might have revealed how it works. To identify “hard falls,” the Pixel Watch employs motion sensors and on-device machine learning. It will “watch for a sudden impact and your body’s reflexes and instinctual reactions to falling” if activated. When a fall is detected, the Pixel Watch will vibrate, sound an alarm, and display a full-screen alert asking whether…
iOS 16.4 beta 2 is now available to Apple Developer Program members. Let’s take a look at what’s new in this updated build and how you can download it. In late 2022, Apple publicly released iOS 16 and macOS Ventura. Since then, the famous iPhone maker has been working on minor releases to smooth out remaining issues and introduce the previously mentioned missing functionality. Now that iOS 16.3.1 has been released in its final form, the Cupertino company has begun work on the next iOS edition. iOS 16.4 beta 2 is currently available to developers who have registered with Apple.…