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Best ways to create a sketch on Mac and Windows

Sketch on windows

Many artists nowadays use a computer and imaging software to create a sketch. There are several graphic editing software solutions available that provide a full range of drawing tools, allowing users to create images on a computer in the same way they can by hand. The programs range in price from free to costly. 

How to Create a Sketch on Mac and Windows

There are also mouse pens that help users to draw more intuitively in digital mode, simulating the feel of writing objects. Drawing on a computer can stimulate your ideas and open up an almost unlimited universe of digital creative possibilities, however, it may take some time before getting accustomed to it.

In this guide, we’ll be having a look at how to create a sketch on Mac and Windows. So, stay tuned as we get started.

How To Create A Sketch on Mac

With Continuity Sketch for Mac, you can effortlessly enter sketches into your Mac documents using your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. When your compatible devices are close to one other, Continuity Sketch works. You may also utilize Continuity Sketch to request a fresh sketch from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch from your Mac, then integrate the sketch into your Mac document. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting you started:


How to Create a Sketch on Windows

Sketching on Windows is similar to that of Mac. Here, we’ll be making use of the Microsoft Paint application as against the Continuity Sketch on Mac. Follow the steps below to proceed;

Final Words

That gives it a wrap on how to create a sketch on Mac and Windows. Having known about that, it’s about time you start exploring the steps above to create a unique sketch on your PC. 

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