A new Android Auto update that brings it to V12.2 is currently rolling out. It is a staged rollout, meaning not everyone has received the update. As usual, it is an update that improves performance and resolves issues, but it doesn’t seem to do any of that, as many users are reporting a broken connection.

Google releases a new Android Auto update every few weeks, but these updates do not seem to do anything. It is fair to say that with each update, new issues are introduced, though the broken connection does not seem attached to a particular update.
According to reports on Google’s forum and Reddit, those running Android Auto v11.7, v11.8, and v11.9 seem to have a broken connection. Meanwhile, some have seen their connection broken after installing the latest V12.2, and though the issue doesn’t seem to be attributed to a particular update, you can leave out the latest version for now.
Nonetheless, we understand the issue is mostly affecting wired connections. We can confirm the problem is not from your cable, as many people have tried different cables but cannot get the connection working. If you can, we recommend using a wireless connection, which seems to work for many people.
Unfortunately, there’s no workaround to the problem. You can always clear the app cache or install an older Android Auto. Hopefully, a new update will arrive soon to address the issue, though the broken connection on Android Auto is probably never going away.
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