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Check all the Google Android 14 beta 1 features

Check all the Google Android 14 beta 1 features

As reported earlier, Android 14 beta 1 has been released and we will be getting about three more releases before the consumer launch. We’ve seen the developer previews of Android 14 and they brought in quite interesting features but so did the Android 14 beta 1. They range from graphic capabilities to data transparency to a better system UI. 

Android 14 beta 1

While the Android 14 beta 1 might be more stable than the developer previews, no doubt, it’s still a beta version of Android 14 and we do not recommend you install the update on your daily driver. Well, since that’s settled, let’s take a look at the detailed features of Android 14 Beta 1. 

All features of the Android 14 beta 1 

User interface changes

New back arrow: Android 14 Beta 1 has a larger back arrow that matches the user’s wallpaper and device theme. It should also assist users to comprehend what the back gesture will do.

Improved shared sheets: Apps may now add custom actions to system share sheets, making them more intuitive in the future.


More graphics capabilities

Paths are now queryable and interpolable: The Android Path API is a versatile tool for producing and displaying vector graphics. In Android 14, you’ll be able to query pathways to discover what’s inside of them, and API improvements will also provide the ability to interpolate across pathways whose structures exactly match.


Improvements to per-app language preferences: Android 14 increases per-app language settings and allows apps to recognize the current app’s UI language. With Android Studio Giraffe Canary 7 and AGP 8.1.0-alpha07, you can automatically set up your app to support per-app languages.


Limiting visibility to disability-focused accessibility services: Apps can restrict specific views to only be visible to accessibility services that claim to be useful to disabled users. Play Protect attempts to guarantee that applications make accurate claims, and this property is known as accessibility DataSensitive.


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