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How To Delete Google Maps History and Reset All Recommendations

How To Delete Google Maps History and Reset All Recommendations

Most of us use Google Maps on a daily basis, whether it’s for getting directions to a friend’s house, finding a new restaurant, or checking traffic before our morning commute. With all the time we spend using Google Maps, it’s no surprise that the app has amassed a huge amount of data about our location history and the places we’ve been. 

But what if you want to delete that data? Maybe you’re concerned about privacy, or you want to reset all of the app’s recommendations. In this guide, we’ll show you how to delete your Google Maps history and reset all recommendations.

How To Delete Your Google Maps History on a Computer

How To Delete Your Google Maps Search History on a Mobile Device

Wrapping It Up

There you have it on how to delete your Google Maps history and reset all recommendations. In a nutshell, Google Maps is a great tool and can be very useful, but some people might not want their entire history stored and accessed by Google. As explained above, it’s easy to delete your Google Maps history. In fact, you can even reset all your recommendations so that Google Maps starts from scratch. Just follow the steps carefully and you’re good to go!

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