
What Are Homeowners Insurance Endorsements & Floaters?

When homeowners take out a policy, they can purchase endorsements and floaters to cover certain risks or specific items. These, when coupled with coverage from the base policy, can provide a comprehensive level of protection for your home. This blog post will discuss what homeowners insurance endorsements and floaters are and how you can use them to protect your home.

What is a homeowners insurance endorsement?

A homeowners insurance endorsement is an addition or amendment to your existing policy that changes the coverage or terms of the policy. Endorsements can be used to add or remove coverage, increase or decrease limits, and extend or shorten the policy term.

Most endorsements are issued by the insurance company at the request of the policyholder, but some endorsements are required by law. For example, in some states, insurers must offer an endorsement that provides windstorm coverage if the policyholder lives in a hurricane-prone area.

What is a homeowners insurance floater?

A homeowners insurance floater is an extra layer of protection that can be added to your policy to cover high-value items. These items might include jewelry, art, or musical instruments. Floaters typically cover the item for its full value, without any deduction for depreciation.

How are an endorsement and a floater different?

An endorsement is an add-on to your homeowners insurance policy that provides additional coverage for specific items or situations. A floater, on the other hand, is a separate insurance policy that covers high-value items such as jewelry, art, or collectibles.

Why would someone need an endorsement or a floater?

There are many reasons why someone might need an endorsement or a floater on their homeowner’s insurance policy. For example, if you have valuable items in your home that are not covered by your standard policy, you may need to purchase an endorsement to insure them. Or, if you live in an area that is prone to flooding, you may need to purchase a floater to cover any damages that may occur.

Endorsements and floaters can be a great way to ensure that you are fully protected in the event of a disaster. Talk to your insurance agent to see if an endorsement or floater is right for you.

How you can use endorsements and floaters to protect your home

There are a few different ways that you can use endorsements and floaters to help protect your home. One way is to use them to insure specific items in your home that may be of high value. This could include things like jewelry, art, or collectibles. 


Another way to use them is to insure against specific risks. For example, you might get an endorsement to cover flood damage or earthquakes. Likewise, you can use floaters to cover expenses that may not be covered by your regular homeowner’s insurance policy. For example, if you have a swimming pool, you might get a floater to cover the cost of repairs if the pool is damaged.


In a nutshell, endorsements and floaters are two types of coverage that can be added to a homeowner’s insurance policy. Endorsements provide additional coverage for specific items or risks, while floaters cover items that are not already included in the policy. Both endorsements and floaters can be valuable additions to a policy, depending on the needs of the individual homeowner.


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