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How to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones

Xiaomi phones come with their bootloader locked for security purposes, but for some reason, we might need to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones. This post is strictly on how to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones, and before we go into details, you should know what bootloader means. And before attempting to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones, make sure you backup your files to an external drive.

Meaning of Bootloader

Below learning how to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones, you should know what bootloader means. A bootloader is a program that initiates when you boot up your phone to activate the right operating system. Since it deals with the operating system, it’s also a feature available on computers, tablets, etc. 

Reasons why Xiaomi lock their bootloader

Is true not all brand lock their bootloader, knowing fully well that smartphone geeks will always try to tweak their phones. However, all Xiaomi phones come with a locked bootloader so that only the operating system installed on the device, can be used. Unlocking bootloader on Xiaomi phones allows you to install unauthorized firmware, but your device warranty becomes void once you complete the process.

Things you should know before you unlock Bootloader on Xiaomi phones.

Also read: Download ADB and Fastboot tool


What next after unlocking Bootloader on Xiaomi phones

You can decide to install Hydrogen OS on your device and other custom ROMs. You can also root your device, edit BuilProp, other tweaks. 

Can I relock My phone Bootloader

The answer is yes, you can do that from PowerShell/Platform tool, or flash official ROM by selecting “clean all and lock” option.

Also read: Google app store on Chinese phone

How to know if when my bootloader is locked or unlocked

To do that, go to Settings> My Device>All specs (Tap on it MIUI version seven times). A message saying, “Now you are a developer” will pop up. Now go back to settings> Additional Settings> Developer Options> Mi Unlock Status.


How to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones

Before now, it takes 1-15 days to get permission to unlock the bootloader. But the policy has changed, and you don’t need to apply for permission before unlocking your phone.

How to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones
How to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones first step
Xiaomi MI Flash unlock tool
Xiaomi phones bootloader
Unlocking bootloader
Unlock bootloader

And that’s all on how to unlock bootloader on Xiaomi phones. If you encounter any problem unlocking your bootloader, use the comment box to tell us the error message, and we’ll try to help you. 

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