
New Google ad control let users limit 5 ad types on weight-loss, dating and others

The Big G has been attending to a lot of issues their users faced to optimize their gadget usage. Just recently, a lot of Google Pixel 6 users complained about some issues that were giving some problems and the company rolled out a series of updates and security patches that fixed all of them. And just yesterday, most smartphone users complained about certain ads they don’t want to see appearing on their phones. The company just introduced a new Google ad control that limits some ads.

Initially, Google seeded ad control that limited gambling and alcohol ads on YouTube. But users still complain of frequent ads that are quite sensitive and they don’t want to see them. And now it seems the new Google ad control limits the ads on both YouTube and Gmail. 

Karin Hennessy, the group product manager for ads privacy at Google mentioned that ” Providing transparency and control has always been a priority for us so we’re expanding our tools, enabling the choice to see fewer pregnancy and parenting, dating and weight-loss ads. We will continue to listen to user feedback and study which categories to expand this feature too in the future”. The big G will continue to attend to issues users face on a daily basis

The usefulness of the new Google ad control

New Google ad control

The new Google ad control is found on the Google account dashboard in the ad setting section. You get to limit some sensitive topics you don’t want to see. The available topics are alcohol, dating, pregnancy and parenting, and also weight loss. So you can set it to see fewer ads. 

The new Google ad control kind of protects people’s mental health. For instance, someone looking for kids would not want to see parenting ads or someone having an eating disorder wouldn’t want to see weight-loss ads. You can set the ads to your preferred style.



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