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How to Set the Best System Cooling Policy in Windows 11

windows 11

The system cooling policy in windows 11 is responsible for managing the CPU temperature by setting the throttling percentage and fan speed. This policy can be set to one of the following two options: Passive and Active.
The best cooling policy for your system depends on a number of factors, such as the ambient temperature, the number of CPU cores, and the CPU usage. In this guide, you will discover how to set the best system cooling policy in windows 11.

Understanding System Cooling Policy in Windows 11

System cooling is the process of keeping a computer’s internal temperature at a safe level, and there are two main types of system cooling: active and passive.

Active system cooling uses fans or other moving parts to actively circulate air and keep the temperature down without affecting the system’s performance. Passive system cooling on the other hand relies on heat conduction and convection to circulate air and dissolve heat.

Which System Cooling Policy is Best for Windows 11?

Both active and passive system cooling have their advantages and disadvantages. Active system cooling is generally more effective than passive system cooling, but it can also be louder. Passive system cooling is quieter, but it may not be able to keep the temperature as low as active cooling.


So which type of system cooling is best for you? It depends on your needs. If you want the best possible cooling, go with active cooling. If you’re looking for a quiet system, passive cooling is the way to go.

How to Set the Best System Cooling Policy to Optimize PC Performance

To make sure that you are able to set the best cooling policy for your system, ensure that you carry out the following measures:

  1. Try eliminating some of the multiple high-end applications running at the same time to reduce strain on the CPU.
  2. Update your Windows.
  3. Allow proper ventilation for your system.

After carrying out the above measures and nothing seems to be working, try some of these troubleshooting techniques:

1. Adjust Active/Passive Cooling Policy Settings

2. Control the fan using the SpeedFan software

My System Cooling Policy is Missing, What do I do?

If your system is missing its cooling policy, troubleshoot it in the following manner:


REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00\94D3A615-A899-4AC5-AE2B-E4D8F634367F /v Attributes /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

The system cooling policy should now be accessible in the Power Options section in the Control Panel.

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