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Tips to Get Verified on TikTok and Grow Your Account

Tips to Get Verified on TikTok and Grow Your Account

TikTok is a fun, interactive app that is used by millions of people around the world. It has a wide range of features such as video and chat, emojis, and various filters. The platform is also one of the most successful social apps out, boasting a whopping 2.6 billion video views per day and 65 million active Tiktokers. 

However, making it to the top of the app requires a lot of work. If you want to get verified on TikTok, find the right niche, and grow your account. In this guide, we’ll be having a look at some tips to get verified on TikTok and grow your account. So, stay tuned as we get started.

5 Essential Tips to Get Verified on TikTok and Grow Your Account

1. Set up your account appropriately

To get verified, you’re going to need a profile photo, cover photo and bio. Your username must be easy to remember and not too long or complicated. Your bio should be short, sweet and fun! You can use GIFs in your bio if you want to make it more interesting but make sure they are appropriate for the platform.

2. Post regularly

The more you post, the more likely it is that your account will be verified. Post consistently every day. You should post at least once a week and ideally twice or three times per week if possible. Also, don’t just post random videos: focus on the types of content that get you views, likes, comments and engagement. 


3. Engage with your followers

Engaging with your followers is another notable trick to keep in mind if you want to get verified on TikTok and grow your account. How do you go about this? Start by responding to comments. 

Also, ask for feedback on what you’re posting or doing; this will help you improve as an influencer and grow your account over time. Likewise, you can ask for ideas on what to post next (and make sure they’re not too big of a stretch).

4. Use trending hashtags

One important tip to note before getting verified on TikTok is choosing the right hashtag. You want to choose a trending hashtag that is popular with your target audience and friends and followers. If you’ve done some research, this should be easy for you. 

5. Measure metrics

If you want to grow your TikTok account, then you must know how many people are watching your videos and following you. To do this, use a free tool like Google Analytics to track metrics such as views, comments, likes and more. This can help show where improvements need to be made!



So, there you have it. We hope you’ve learned a few tips to get verified on TikTok and grow your account. As we mentioned above, you can use these tips to get started with increasing your followership and engagement on the platform. Verification on TikTok can be a useful way to set yourself apart. It’s not just about showing off your clout; it’s also about gaining the trust of followers and viewers, which will help you grow your account over time.

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