Twitter for Android received X branding earlier this week, and another update released on Friday afternoon alters the app name, while “tweet” appears to become “post.” What we are saying(in essence) is that Twitter is now X on Android and iOS.

X on Android and iOS: new branding
This update(X on Android)was introduced in version 10.1.0-beta.1 of the app, and you’ll see “X Beta” in the beta channel. The app name has been shortened to simply “X,” and it will appear in your app grid before the YouTube family of applications. The package name, however, remains as, indicating that it’s the same app despite the new branding.
Earlier this week, Twitter introduced the letter “X” in various app copy, search bars, and menus. One noticeable change is in the bottom-right corner FAB (Floating Action Button), where the word “Tweet” has been replaced with “Post.” This switch signifies the phasing out of the old and famous branding associated with Twitter.
The rebranding can also be observed on profile pages, where the “Tweets” option has been renamed “Posts.” Additionally, the dark blue “Dim” dark mode is still available, but it’s now set to full black, known as “Lights out” mode. The light mode, however, will remain unchanged. The shift to X branding aligns with the company’s efforts to refresh its image and bring a new identity to its app.
Version 10.1.0 is currently in beta, but it’s likely to be released to the stable channel soon. With this bold step, Twitter is embracing a fresh look and signaling its commitment to evolve and stay relevant in the ever-changing world of social media. Users can look forward to experiencing the updated X branding on both Android and iOS platforms.
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