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How to Use the Internet to Improve Gaming Performance

How to Use the Internet to Improve Gaming Performance

The internet has had a profound impact on the gaming world. If you could take a trip back in time before the internet was a common feature in people’s homes, you’d find a very different gaming landscape. Back then, it was less connected; while gaming cafes, arcades, and casinos did exist, most gaming experiences occurred behind closed doors and were either individual or with just a few friends.

Today, it’s all changed. Whether you’re a poker player, video gamer, chess player, or anything else, you’ll find a hyper-connected world that not only makes gaming more enjoyable but can also be utilized to improve performance. We’ll take a look at some handy ways you can elevate your output thanks to the wonderful magic of the web. 

Internet to Improve Gaming Performance

Use internet to Improve Gaming Performance

Watch Tutorials

Need a little help improving your performance? You’ll have a couple of options available to you: you can find someone to tutor you directly, or you can simply watch the many ‘how to’ videos available entirely for free on YouTube. We know which one we’ll be choosing! There are tutorial lessons available for all types of games. These are especially useful for complex aspects of a title; for instance, if you’re stuck on a particular level or you’re struggling to get your head around a poker strategy. If you’re not sure whether the video host is worth listening to, then read the comments — they’ll normally tell you if the video is a reliable source of information. 


Play Against Others

There’s loads you can do individually to improve your gaming performance, but real growth lies in playing against other people. Competing against others of varying skill levels will allow you to put your new skills into practice, identify weak points, and learn from superior players. There are ways to compete against others regardless of your chosen game; chess and poker players will find there are plenty of chess and poker tournaments to play online, while most modern video games come with online multiplayer options. Even if you generally enjoy playing with real-world friends, it can be beneficial to dip into online competition from time to time — it might just be what elevates your game to the next level. 

Join Community Forums

In the old days, people would get information about their favorite games from magazines. But they only came out every now and again, usually once a month. And you had to pay for them. With little more than a device and an internet connection, you can get access to a whole wealth of information, all by joining community forums dedicated to your particular game. There are online communities dedicated to consoles and individual titles, which can be highly valuable when you have a question that you need an answer to. 


As with YouTube tutorials, the power of community forums really comes into its own when you’re dealing with a complex issue, such as reviewing your performance. It’s recommended to reflect on your performance in strategy games such as chess and poker, but if you don’t know where you went wrong, then you won’t be able to improve. 

How to Use the Internet to Improve Gaming Performance

Invest in the Right Setup

It’s not just what you do with cards, pieces or a controller in your hand that counts. The environment does, too. When playing a game, anything that gives you a slight advantage is welcome — and having the right set-up is key to maximizing performance. You can use the internet to research which setup will be best for your needs. For instance, poker players are advised to have a comfortable chair, a capable computer, and a clear environment that allows their mind to focus on the task at hand. Video gamers who play for hours on end usually benefit from having a cooling fan and a fridge next to the setup; those cold, energy-boosting drinks can make all the difference. 

Take our tips on board, and you should notice a boost in your performance before too long.

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