The ability to send messages across multiple devices on WhatsApp was a feature that has been anticipated by a lot of Whatsapp users – well, not anymore as the feature is now here. Whatsapp now supports user accounts across multiple phones. Allowing a user account across multiple devices is what many messaging platforms have implemented long ago.

And the question is, why hasn’t Whatsapp done the same? It’s quite sad to pick up a smartphone to use your WhatsApp account and discover that you have to do the authentication all over again on the new device while deactivating the other too. Competitions like Telegram have got this feature in the bag and it’s quite frustrating for one of the most used social media platforms in the world right now(if not the most used).
There was a similar feature that enabled you to use your WhatsApp on PC but now, it’s better. According to WhatsApp, users will be able to connect up to four more devices, presumably across both Android and iOS. Those phones connect to servers independently of one another, eliminating the requirement for the original device to remain active.
One need that will be addressed is a type of failsafe in which all companion devices will be logged out if the primary device is dormant for an extended period. That’s far preferable to having your prior device disabled every time you log in on a new one.
Availability of Whatsapp user accounts on multiple phones
The firm is also introducing a new login option that allows you to input your phone number for a one-time code that will allow you to link more devices. WhatsApp says the upgrade is already being handed out internationally, with everyone getting it “in the coming weeks.” Meanwhile, you have to give it to Whatsapp for adding a lot of features to the app.
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