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Whatsapp’s message yourself feature is now available for everyone

Silent exits in groups, latest Whatsapp update increased groups member limit

In addition to all the other features that have rolled out to Whatsapp these recent weeks, it seems we have another one coming – it’s Whatsapp’s message yourself feature. And as the name goes, it helps you chat yourself up on the platform. 

Whatsapp's message yourself feature

With Whatsapp’s message yourself feature, you can decide to save a couple of voice notes, document links, notes to self and even some images and videos by just sending them to your number. Fortunately, this feature will be available for both Android and iOS, although the feature isn’t widely available just yet. 

The last we heard from the Whatsapp’s message yourself feature was back in October and since then we’ve not noticed any leak or rumour as regards the subject. Well, Whatsapp’s message yourself feature might still be going through a testing phase(it’s available for those on the initial beta trial though) and will be rolled out in the coming weeks(probably). 

For reference, we have had a message yourself feature on the Telegram platform since its launch(Telegram has been known to house many features for a messaging app, and Whatsapp is trying to step up in the competition probably). 


More than Whatsapp’s message yourself feature 

As mentioned earlier, some features have rolled out to this Meta platform apart from Whatsapp’s message yourself feature. We’ve got Whatsapp call links, paid subscriptions and Companion mode (to be rolled out soon), new privacy control settings, tweaks to prevent Whatsapp scams, new message reactions and many more. Oh well, impressive features for one of the most used social media platforms. 


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