The Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite is currently receiving the Android 10 update, which started arriving in the early hours of today. The update is arriving with a version number V11.0.2.0 QDLMIXM and weighs 1.1GB, meaning you should update over a Wi-Fi not to incur additional charges. But while the arrival of the update signifies a good thing, it has left some users frustrated, just like what many people experienced after the Mi A3 Android update. Below is the Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite Android 10 bugs.

Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite Android 10 bugs
- Reported cases: Bricked device
- Screen shows grey lines then go black
It’s fast becoming a tradition for Xiaomi to send out updates full of bugs. One could easily ask if the company doesn’t test their update before rolling it out again. When the Android Q started arriving for Mi A3, it came with lots of bugs, and the company had to pull it back. Now the same update is arriving for A2 Lite, it didn’t fail to come with multiple bugs, even worse in this case.
Many users in the Mi community are already complaining about the Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite Android 10 bugs. Unlike what was faced during that of Mi A3, the System won’t boot after downloading the update. They complain about grey lines showing on the screen, after which the device goes black.
Few ones who could find their way around tried to access recovery but can’t access it, and even those that tried to restore the previous update failed as well. If you’re facing this problem, you can refer to this link and see if you can fix the issue.
And if you’re still waiting for the update to arrive, it might be the best decision not to download it when it finally arrives. Unless you want to have a dead device in your hands, then you can proceed.
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