Xiaomi is probably the only smartphone company that releases weekly beta ROMs to eligible users. These closed beta testers get a new update every week to preview new features coming to the public, but Xiaomi will soon stop it. The Chinese company will discontinue the release of weekly beta updates in August.

For 14 years, Xiaomi has released weekly beta updates to closed beta testers. The group previews early MIUI / HyperOS builds to ensure it is stable enough before it rolls out to the public. With HyperOS, it seems Xiaomi has achieved a “stable” build and will no longer need the closed beta group. Instead, the company will adopt the Stable Beta testers approach for its Chinese ROM users.
According to Xiaomi, the reasons to adopt Beta versions are for a seamless upgrade and a more flexible pace. Those in the closed beta group can not move to stable ROM without wiping their data, which will be different when the company adopts “Beta versions.” In addition, recruitment will be flexible, while the update release will not be fixed, but based on “actual project needs.”
The weekly beta releases will officially stop in August 2024. It is unclear how those in closed beta groups will move to Beta versions without wiping their data. We hope to learn about that soon. Meanwhile, in “Beta versions,” those who are recruited will also receive stable builds.
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