When the Google Pixel 8 Pro started shipping a few weeks ago, reports surfaced about an issue with the device’s Always-on Display. Though not a major problem, it was picked up by many issues, which prompted Google to act swiftly in addressing it. The tech company seems to have resolved the problem and will start rolling out a fix soon.

Google Pixel 8 Pro users have issues with their Always-on Display that see texts turn pink towards the edges. Interestingly, when the screen lights up, these texts go back to their normal color, meaning it is something Google could address with a software update. That seems like it, as the company has confirmed that the bug has been fixed.
While Google already has a fix, they are yet to start rolling it out. The company confirmed they have resolved the issue in a comment on an issue tracker but will roll it out in a future update. It is unclear which ‘future update’ will bring the fix, but it is fair to say the November security patch. If that’s the case, we will get a fix for the Pixel 8 Pro Always-on Display issues next week.
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