Last month, Xiaomi announced the Mi 10T series, which consists of three smartphones with the Mi 10T and Mi 10T Pro running Snapdragon 865 while the Mi 10T Lite runs Snapdragon 750G. The device, since after the global launch, has been in the news. It’s expected to arrive in China under the Redmi K30 series. According to the latest report, the Redmi K30S will be debuting alongside a Pro variant, supposedly Redmi K30S Pro. The device is said to be the last Snapdragon 865 powered device the company will release this year, and it seems we are just few weeks…
Author: Adimorah Jude
Things took a different turn with the MIUI 12 deployment, which has been on for a while now. Thus far, many Xiaomi phones, including the Redmi Note 9S and Redmi Note 9 Pro, have received the update in some regions. Surprisingly, the global users are not among the few that have received the update with Xiaomi prioritizing the Turkish and Russian variants of the Note 9S. Also, the Indian and Turkish users of the Redmi Note 9 Pro have received the latest Android skin, while the Global users can only wait without any definite ETA. However, Xiaomi plans to extend…
It’s still unclear if Xiaomi will continue naming its flagship device serially or follow the path of Samsung. An early report suggested Mi 21, but we don’t see the need now as it would have made more sense if it had happened last year. Well, it’s still Mi 11 for now till Xiaomi says otherwise, and according to Digital Chat Station, the device will debut the Snapdragon 875 SoC in China with some exclusive privileges. Xiaomi will probably debut the Mi 11 in the first quarter of next year, which is when premium phones of the year start hitting the…
Another advantage of premium smartphones, aside from their robust performance, is the support they get in terms of updates. Some OEMs now promise three OS updates to even mid-range phones, but for Xiaomi, it’s still two OS upgrades maximum. For the Xiaomi Mi 9T, which debuted running Android Pie based on MIUI 11, and has received both the Android Q and MIUI 12 updates, it will also get the MIUI 13 and Android 11. While we wait on either of the updates to start arriving for the Mi 9T, a fresh MIUI 12 update has just gone live. The update…
There have been a series of changes since the stable MIUI 12 started rolling out. Before now, after the Chinese rollout, the global variants are always next in line for that particular update, but that’s no longer the case at the moment. Xiaomi released the Redmi Note 9 Pro in India early this year and later introduced an upgraded version to the global market as Redmi Note 9S. The device has already bagged the stable MIUI 12 update in Turkey, while other regions can only wait. And now, the company has released a stable MIUI 12 for the Redmi Note…