Xiaomi Mi 10 is the first Xiaomi flagship phone of 2020. The device debuted with Snapdragon 865 Octa-Core processor, running Android 10 based on MIUI 11, outside-of-the-box. It’s expected that the Mi 10 will receive MIUI 12 this month, at least the Chinese variants. But while that is yet to materialize, the company has started rolling out a new Mi 10 Global stable update for the EEA users. The update brings an updated Android Security Patch for May, and it’s arriving with a build number – MIUI QJBEUXM. The rollout is for the general public and should have arrived…
Author: Adimorah Jude
Since the introduction of the fifth-generation network – 5G, MediaTek has seized the opportunity to close the gap between their counterparts – Qualcomm. company has released some affordable 5G enabled processors, and it’s their Dimensity 820 SoC powering the Redmi 10X. And for the first time, a Mediatek processor will power Xiaomi entry-level smartphone. For years now, Xiaomi has relied on Qualcomm chips. The company started taking a turn last year when it debuted the Redmi Note 8 Pro with Mediatek G90T SoC. Although the Note 9 Pro switched back to a Qualcomm processor, the Redmi Note 9 did take…
Xiaomi launched the MIUI 12 back in China on April 27 and was later introduced globally a few weeks ago. The new Android skin is currently on Closed Beta testing in China, but the global users are already getting a Beta stable version via OTA. Thus far, the update has arrived for Mi 9, Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro, Redmi K20, and Redmi K20 Pro units while the public rollout is expected to start arriving this month. The Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, of course, will get the MIUI 12 update but on the second rollout, which will be towards July…
Xiaomi already initiated the Beta rollout of the MIUI 12 to selected devices around the globe. The update, which is exclusively for Mi 9T, Mi 9T Pro ( AKA Redmi K20, and K20 Pro), also arrived for the Global Mi 9 users, excluding the European users. But all that has changed now as a new MIUI 12 Beta stable update for Mi 9 starts arriving in Europe. The new MIUI 12 Beta stable update for Mi 9 is arriving with a build number – MIUI QFAEUXM. It’s a patch update, which brings some of the MIUI 12 features to…
Xiaomi has initiated the MIUI 12 Beta rollout for Redmi K20 in India. The update is strictly for Beta testers and Mi Pilot. Thus, if you were recruited to test MIUI 12 Beta ROM, you should navigate to the Updater app and scan for a new update. Otherwise, you’ll wait until the end of June, which is when the public rollout will commence. Meanwhile, the MIUI 12 Beta stable update for Redmi K20 in India is arriving with a version number – MIUI QFJINXM – and weighs in at 755M. It’s a security patch update but also comes along…