Many activities revolve around the Google Pixel 6a, the new mid-range smartphone from Google with sleek features. Meanwhile, adding to the already seeded software features, Google Pixel 6a kernel source code and factory image are now available. Since the official pre-order of the smartphone started, which most tech enthusiasts predict high sales as the Pixel 6a gives cut-edge feats compared to its competitors, Google had made sure that the necessary tools for aftermarket developers needed to run custom software on the device are available. Of course, two of the main tools are the Google Pixel 6a kernel source code and…
Author: Onyebuchi Uche
Sony has always been about better gaming and entertainment and the brand always delivers interesting tweaks to their gaming devices. The latest PS5 beta update for July brings in new Audio and 1440p support among some other interesting features. This update will be good news for those who play the PS5 with a 1440p display. The Latest PS5 beta update is rolling out to a few countries and while it’s very interesting that the 1440p support is coming in, your display has to be 1440p before the feature works. Meanwhile, there is a Test 1440p output added by Sony to…
The second generation of Apple Pencil, Apple Pencil 2 looks quite sleek and has a new mode of connectivity compared to its predecessor. The first gen Apple Pencil makes use of a “wired pairing and charging mechanism” while the Apple Pencil 2 employs something sources consider futuristic and it’s magnetic. Meanwhile, this article will be showing how you can connect the Apple Pencil 2 to a compatible iPad. You can connect the Apple Pencil 2 to which iPad Stress on the word “compatible” because you can only connect the Apple Pencil 2 to specific iPads. The iPads compatible with the…
OnePlus has been having some activities going on recently. Speaking of the rollout of the July and June SMR and even making moves for the Android 13-based OxygenOS 13 on the flagships. Meanwhile, sources have spotted the OnePlus Nord Watch, and let’s take a look at what we’ve got. Sometime in 2021, a OnePlus Watch was released and while it pulled some tech enthusiasts due to its hardware and a price tag of $159, people still thought there was still much to be done as regards the software. Well, since the brand is cooking up another wearable, OnePlus Nord Watch,…
The Big G, Google isn’t quite done releasing interesting features to Google Maps. We got the Street view giving you access to how places change over time, an immersive view giving you a peek at a restaurant down the street and, a new traffic widget among others. Now, the brand has initiated detailed cycling route info. The detailed cycling route info is coming in alongside over 100 aerial views of interesting landmarks. Information of Google Maps detailed cycling route info and landmarks’ aerial views Previously, the brand has been giving directions to people cycling via Google Maps over the last…