The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 will be unveiled in the fourth quarter of this year. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 surpasses Apple’s A16 Bionic in GPU testing, and it looks that trend will continue with the next-generation chipset, due to a reported 50% increase in GPU performance. Further details of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 While the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 continues to trail behind Apple’s A16 Bionic in terms of CPU performance, Qualcomm has now delivered GPU performance that rivals Apple’s current best. The business does not appear to be content to rest on its laurels, with…
Author: Onyebuchi Uche
Google’s Pixel 7a is set to debut at Google I/O in a little over a month, and now official-looking photos of the phone have surfaced. The budget smartphone has been attracting a lot of attention and some rumors say it will be far better than its predecessor. What we know about the Google Pixel 7a from renders The Pixel 7a isn’t exactly buried in secrecy, but it hasn’t appeared in many photographs thus far. MySmartPrice and @OnLeaks shared multiple photographs of the Pixel 7a today, showing the smartphone from various perspectives in what look to be official renderings for marketing…
It’s quite unfortunate to report that there was an iPhone Heist at an Apple store in Washington. According to KING-TV, an Apple Store in the Alderwood Mall in Lynwood, Washington, had 436 iPhone devices taken, as well as an unspecified number of iPad tablets and Apple Watches. The stolen goods were estimated to be worth $500,000. Two criminals broke into the Seattle Coffee Gear shop and cut a hole in the latter’s lavatory, allowing them to evade the Apple Store’s alarm system. Further details on the iPhone Heist It is not evident that the Seattle Coffee Gear store is immediately…
Free money from Google? Well, that’s a very fortunate situation for Google Pixel users. The story(although) has a bit of a story to it and there’s uncertainty about whether the free money from Google will be accessed by Google Pixel users. The story behind the free money from Google Some members on the /r/GooglePixel subreddit are receiving free cash from Google, along with a message stating they are receiving the money for “dogfooding the Google Pay remittance experience.” Some receive a little sum, while others see their balance climb by more than $1,000. “Dogfooding” refers to the practice of testing…
Apple was planning to release iOS 16.4.1 this week or next week. The tiny update was considered to have been created by Apple to eliminate several iOS issues. Fortunately, Apple did release iOS 16.4.1 on Friday. Details on the Apple iOS 16.4.1 The update addresses several bugs, including one that prevented different “skin tone variants” of the pushing hands emoji from displaying on the screen. The update also resolves an issue that stopped Siri, Apple’s digital assistant, from answering in some situations. Furthermore, iOS 16.4.1 fixes a few critical security flaws. According to Apple, it is aware of allegations that…