Google chrome

Guide on How To Fix Can’t Download or Save Images From Google Chrome on Windows

Google Chrome is a widely used browser for a variety of purposes and is available on most devices including smartphones and computers. One of these is the ability to save images you come across online. Although it is a great browser, sometimes things you wouldn’t expect might happen. 

One thing that might happen is that when you click on an image to save it, it can sometimes produce an error “Can’t download or save images from Google Chrome on Windows.” If you’re experiencing that, stay relaxed. This guide will provide some solutions for this error and help you get back to saving images.

4 Possible Fixes to Google Chrome Can’t Download or Save Images on Windows

There might be multiple reasons why Google Chrome is unable to download or save images. However, temporary browser glitches are often known to be the main reason. The issue might also be caused by older Chrome versions and corrupt cache files.

Fortunately, troubleshooting this issue is simple. Let’s take a closer look at all of the viable options below;

1. Restart Google Chrome

In this circumstance, the first thing you may need to do is to restart Google Chrome. As it turns out, the issue is caused by a brief browser malfunction. So, restart Google Chrome and see if it resolves the problem. Otherwise, proceed to the next solution.

2. Update Google Chrome

An old version of an application can often cause problems with that application. This might also happen in this scenario, preventing you from downloading or saving images from Google Chrome.

Most of the time, keeping applications and other utility tools up to date on your Windows 11/10 computer helps to safeguard your computer and its programs. So, update Google Chrome and then check to see whether the issue has been solved.

3. Turn off any unnecessary extensions

Google Chrome provides several extensions that enhance the browser’s capabilities. However, certain extensions can interfere with the browser’s essential features. You need to turn off any extensions that you believe are preventing the browser from downloading photos.


Here’s how to turn off Google Chrome extensions;

  • Open Chrome and choose the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Navigate to Tools > Extensions.
  • Locate the extension that you believe is causing the problem.
  • Deactivate the toggle next to the extension name.

After performing the preceding procedures, reopen the browser and check for the problem.

4. Clear Cache And Cookies

Google Chrome saves caches data to provide a quicker and smoother user experience. However, corrupt cache data can create myriads of issues in the browser. To resolve the issue, you will have to erase Chrome’s browser cache and cookies. Here’s how you do it:

  • Open Chrome and choose the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Next, select Settings.
  • From the left pane, choose Privacy and security.
  • Select Clear browsing data.
  • Click on the unwanted Cached data in the list.
  • Finally, select Clear data.

Now, restart Google Chrome and see whether you can download images.



There you have it, a quick and easy guide on how to fix can’t download or save images from Google Chrome on Windows. There are different ways to fix this issue. You can always try each of the methods above and see if any of them solves the issue. Hopefully, you find this guide quite helpful as you proceed.


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