Google Maps

Google Maps shared location icon for Android has been revamped

Google is all about tweaks as regards the Google Maps, new tweaks are being rolled out from time to time and the Google Maps shared location icon for Android has joined the party. The Google Maps shared location icon has always been very useful for security purposes. Friends and family can know where you are and when they want to. 

Normally, when a person shares a location with someone, the Google Account profile of the person shows on your Google Maps with the location updating at every movement. Coming back to the present, the Google Maps shared location icon has undergone an aesthetic change. 

Based on the newest update, Google Maps 13.8.2, a white circle previously shown around the profile of the sharer has disappeared and it is now a borderless picture. While this is a small change, the tweak looks a bit fancy although not with any plus functionality. That said, there seems not to be any other tweak from the new update. 

Apart from Google Maps shared location icon update

The Google Maps shared location icon update is just one of the many tweaks the Big G has added to Google Maps. Some of the interesting changes are the immersive view enabling a peek at a restaurant down a street, Street View feature which enables users to access how territories and structures change, and then a new traffic widget giving you the ability to get to any place on time since the widget displays places with heavy traffic.



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