
How To Stop Receiving Updates on Windows 11

If you’re someone who’s tired of constantly being bombarded with updates on your Windows 11 computer, you’re not alone. While updates are essential for the health and security of your system, they can be disruptive and even frustrating at times. 

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stop receiving updates on Windows 11 without compromising the integrity of your system. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways to stop receiving updates on your Windows 11 computer, so you can have a more seamless and uninterrupted computing experience. 

How to stop receiving updates on Windows 11

If you’re looking to turn off automatic updates on your Windows 11 computer, there are several methods you can use. Follow these steps to disable automatic updates, prevent specific updates from downloading, or disable updates permanently using either the Group Policy or Registry editor.

Method #1: Disable Automatic Updates from Windows Settings

  • Open the Settings app on your Windows 11 computer.
  • Click on “Windows Update.”
  • Under “More options,” click on “Pause for 1 week” to disable automatic updates.

After completing these steps, Windows 11 updates will not download on your computer for at least one week, or until you click “Resume updates.”

Method #2: Prevent Specific Updates from Downloading Automatically

  • Open the Microsoft Download Center webpage.
  • Download the “Show or hide updates troubleshooter” tool.
  • Double-click the downloaded file to launch the tool.
  • Click “Hide updates.”
  • Select the Windows 11 update or driver you want to block.
  • Click “Close.”

After these steps, the update will no longer be available through Windows Update. However, a newer version of the update will be automatically downloaded and installed when available.

Method #3: Disable Automatic Updates from Group Policy Editor

  • Open the Group Policy Editor on your Windows 11 Pro computer.
  • Navigate to “Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.”
  • Double-click the “Configure Automatic Updates” policy.
  • Choose “Disabled” to disable Windows Update permanently.
  • Click “Apply” and then “OK.”

After these steps, Windows Update will no longer install system updates automatically. You can still check for updates manually through the Settings app.

Method #4: Disable Automatic Updates from Registry Editor

  • Open the Registry Editor on your Windows 11 computer.
  • Navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows.”
  • Right-click the “Windows” key and select “New > Key.” Name the key “WindowsUpdate.”
  • Right-click the “WindowsUpdate” key and select “New > Key.” Name the key “AU.”
  • Right-click the “AU” key and select “New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.” Name the value “NoAutoUpdate.”
  • Double-click the “NoAutoUpdate” value and change its value from 0 to 1.
  • Click “OK” and restart your computer.

After completing these steps, Windows Update will no longer download updates for Windows 11 automatically. You can still check for updates manually through the Settings app as needed.

Wrapping It Up

Stopping Windows 11 updates may not be the best practice for the overall health and security of your system, but there are certain situations where it may be necessary. Whether you’re a gamer looking to minimize interruptions during gameplay or you’re simply tired of constantly being notified about updates, the tips and tricks we’ve covered in this guide can help you achieve your goal. 


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