
Netflix password sharing to end early next year

We had earlier reported of Netflix password sharing coming to an abrupt end very soon – well, it’s close than you think and the US users will be affected. 

How to change your Netflix region, Netflix password sharing

According to the streaming mogul, Netflix, a lot of additional users are seen using Netflix password sharing, precisely about 100 million subscribers. The brand is planning to tweak Netflix password sharing into monetizing these viewers by using additional charges. Netflix began testing the feature in Argentina, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and some other regions and the US won’t be left out. 

Entering 2023, the brand will possibly input additional fees of about $2.99/month for any extra viewer(as it was done in those test countries). Currently, the brand employs just location for the Netflix password-sharing feature but plans to enforce this new rule with device IDs, IP addresses and account activities as well. 

The sudden push to end Netflix password sharing 

Netflix password sharing is a feature that’s replicated by some other brands in their policy(generally) but due to the increasing number of subscribers Netflix is losing (possibly as a result of password sharing), there’s a need to bump up revenue. 

Apart from ending this feature, there have been some other features the brand has put in place to also push up revenue. There’s the mobile and cloud gaming and not to mention the ads subscription tier. Oh well, smart of Netflix to notice a sudden reduction of subscribers and even smarter to put features in place to bump up revenue.



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