
Automation Testing: Supporting Oracle Cloud Applications Stability & Reliability

For the success of the organization, the performance, and availability of Oracle cloud applications is crucial. The only way to ensure this is testing. The process of testing ensures that the data is secured, the configuration of the cloud environment is done properly, and the customer is able to perform their task seamlessly.

Oracle cloud test automation tool

There are two ways to perform testing: manual method and automated. However, performing manual testing is quite labor-intensive and requires bulk resources. Not only this but there is also a risk of business disruption associated with manual methods.

In order to ensure the quality of Oracle applications in this rapidly evolving market, businesses need to embrace automation testing. Oracle cloud test automation tool is used to carry out automation testing.

Why Testing Is Required in Oracle Cloud Applications

Every business organization has its own unique needs and demands. This is why they configure Oracle Cloud applications as per their requirements. When the quarterly updates are released, testing is required to validate that changes do not lead to any unexpected behavior in the Oracle applications. 

When the configuration is changed major structural and functional changes may take place. To check the impact of configuration change, proper technical and functional analysis is needed to be performed.

Furthermore, there are some key areas that need to be focused on during Oracle cloud testing

  • Third-party APIs, including XML and REST (through API testing)
  • Integrated Applications
  • User Interface Testing
  • Custom workflows and reports, including saved SQL queries and updates
  • New product enhancements

Which Is the Feasible Solution for Oracle Cloud: Manual or Automated Testing?

Due to rapidly changing business requirements, organizations are forced to embrace new business processes. During every configuration change, it is required to execute the regression test cases. By doing it manually, it becomes quite difficult to keep up with the speed of development. Therefore, automated testing is a feasible solution that simply minimizes the monotonous, manual work related to regression testing and hence the speed of development can be streamlined.

Oracle releases new features and functionalities every four times a year to help customers efficiently manage their business processes. Every rolled-out update required at least two rounds of comprehensive testing. Testing manually can be very time-consuming and devastating for the QA team. The use of automation testing speeds up the testing process by automating repetitive tasks. 


Due to this, quality analysts need to start from scratch whenever a new feature or update is released. For instance, the Opkey is an Oracle cloud test automation tool that comprises the feature of prebuilt test accelerators and helps the QA team by automating the test cases.

Oracle rolls out monthly security patches to ensure data security and integrity. Since a single role contains about 500 functions and data security privileges, it is next to impossible to manually

How Automation Testing Assists the Oracle Cloud Business Users

Automation testing can greatly assist Oracle Cloud business users in various ways. Here are some key benefits:

Time and Cost Savings: Manual testing can be time-consuming, especially when there are frequent updates or changes in the Oracle Cloud applications. By automating the testing process, business users can save time and effort in executing repetitive test cases, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks. Additionally, automation reduces the need for manual resources, resulting in cost savings for the organization. For instance, Opkey is a no code test automation tool that automates test scripts by leveraging AI technology and hence optimizes the use of resources and time.


Increased Test Coverage: With automation, business users can cover a wider range of test scenarios and configurations in less time. This enables comprehensive testing of various functionalities, integrations, and workflows within the Oracle Cloud applications. As a result, potential issues and defects can be identified and resolved early in the development lifecycle, reducing the risk of encountering problems in production.

Go With Opkey for End-to-End Oracle Testing

  • Opkey is the industry’s leading Oracle cloud test automation tool. Through its no code test automation, AI-powered self-healing capabilities, and change impact analysis, Opkey abridges the testing cycles and helps minimize business risk.
  • Its no-code test automation platform lets business users build automated test cases without having a knowledge of programming and coding. It comprises the drag and drop and screen recording interfaces through which users can intuitively build and automate the test cases.
  • With the roll-out of every quarterly release, Opkey offers an impact analysis report that helps businesses recognize the most at-risk objects. Moreover, Opkey is the highest-rated testing app on the Oracle cloud marketplace. With its 5,000+ pre-built test cases for Oracle Cloud, they enable customers to increase their test coverage.
  • Opkey allows customers to quickly fix broken tests with self-healing script technology, reducing test maintenance efforts by 80%.moreover, its end-to-end testing platform enables organizations to build and run complex cross-app tests with ease.

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Adimorah Jude

I'm a passionate tech blogger.

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