Comma-separated values files, more commonly known as CSV files, are something you will likely come across if you use spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or if you import certain types of data into Microsoft Outlook. But what are they, and what are they used for? We’ll answer those questions in this article.

What is a CSV file used for?
A CSV (Comma Separated Values) file is a type of file that stores data in a tabular format. Each row of data in a CSV file is called a record, and each column is called a field. CSV files can be opened in any text editor, but they are best viewed in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
CSV files are commonly used to store data from databases and spreadsheets. They can also be used to transfer data between different programs. For example, you can export data from a database in CSV format and then open it in Excel.
CSV files are relatively simple to work with, and they are supported by a wide range of software programs. If you need to transfer data between two programs that don’t support each other’s file formats, CSV is often the best option.
A CSV file looks like a spreadsheet with data arranged in rows and columns. Each row is called a record, and each column is called a field. A CSV file always has a header row that lists the name of each field.
How to Open a CSV File
Opening a CSV file is a very simple process. First, you need to find the file you want to open. This can be done by opening the file explorer and searching for the file. Once you have found the file, double-click on it and it should open in your default spreadsheet program.
If the file does not open in your default spreadsheet program, you can try opening it in another program like Microsoft Excel. To do this, right-click on the file and select “Open with…” from the drop-down menu. From here, you can select the program you want to use to open the file.
Once the file is open, you can begin working with it in the spreadsheet program.
How to Create a CSV file
Here’s how you can create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel:
First, open Microsoft Excel and create a new spreadsheet. Enter the data you want to include in your CSV file into the spreadsheet. Make sure each piece of data is in its own cell.
Once you have all of your data entered, go to the File menu and select Save As. In the Save As dialog box, choose the format CSV (comma delimited). Give your file a name and click Save.
Your CSV file is now ready to be used!