
Facebook hack – 8 ways to be safe on Facebook without being hacked

Facebook hack is no longer news. Either your colleague at work or sibling, probably have got their account hacked. There are over 10,000 reported cases of Facebook hack this year alone, and each day new cases are being reported.

However, Facebook remains our best tool for connecting with lost friends from high school. And to keep using the service, we rather protect our account instead of ditching Facebook.

But why would someone want to hack your account? Well, there are many reasons an individual would want to get a hold of your Facebook account. They either want to get your personal information, spy on you, or scam your friends. And funny enough, some of these hackers engage in Facebook Hack to make quick cash selling a Facebook account.

To continue enjoying Facebook with being hacked, you should know why you could be the next victim of a Facebook hack. People leave too much information on their profile, and most of this information is also their bank details.

Make use of adware blockers

Most banks ask for your mother’s maiden name when filling online banking forms. They also ask for pet names, name of high school, and other related questions, as a password security question. If you have got this information on your Facebook profile, why do you think you won’t be the next Facebook hack victim?

To stay safe on Facebook abide by the following rules

Facebook hack

Is not everything you post on Facebook

There should be a limit on the information you post on Facebook. Be selective when putting your personal information on Facebook, only publish those that won’t make you vulnerable to Facebook hack.

Use Facebook privacy settings

Facebook has in place many privacy features under the settings tab. There you can control who sees your activities on Facebook, who can tag you, and even people that can look you up on Facebook.


Accept Friend request of people you know

You only connect to people you know on Facebook. However, before accepting a stranger as a friend, there’s a need to check out the profile, before hitting the CONFIRM button.

Don’t click on links

Facebook is not where links are shared. To make sure you’re never a victim of a Facebook hack, don’t click on any link even if it is your friend that sent them. The reason is that your friend might have got hacked.

Don’t login your account on someone gadget

Most times, we forgot to log out our account from a friend’s smartphone or computer, and that can be a loophole to getting hacked. Also, don’t use public computers ( Cyber Cafe ) to access your account.

Be cautious of the Facebook website address

People can clone sites with a similar web address like facebook.net, facebook.XYZ, facebook.ng. The official Facebook website has a dot com extension (.com), anything other than that, is fake. The correct address still remains https://m.facebook.com or https://facebook.com.


Keep your login details safe

Not even your best friend is supposed to know your credentials. You can trust him, but can you trust his friends? Again, don’t use date of birth as your password, and don’t write them down as well. It is better to memorize them, so it would never get to the wrong hands.

Create Facebook account with an email

Research has shown that most victims of Facebook hack created their profile with mobile numbers. When you create a Facebook account with an email, you get alert in case of a threat, and a link to undo any changes.

Meanwhile, precautions are the best way to curb any threat of a Facebook hack. Abiding by those rules discussed above will make sure you never fall victim to a Facebook hack.

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Adimorah Jude

I'm a passionate tech blogger.

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