
Facebook Messenger Lite to stop working next month

The Meta boss is dropping one platform out of the metaverse. This app is the Facebook Messenger Lite and it is set to stop working next month. But why? Let’s take a look at the details of this development. 

Bye, Facebook Messenger Lite 

Meta’s decision to discontinue Facebook Messenger Lite is likely influenced by the changing landscape of smartphones and improvements in device capabilities. Messenger Lite was initially introduced in 2016 as a lightweight version of the full Messenger app, designed to cater to users with less powerful Android devices. Over the years, the app gained popularity due to its simplicity and low resource usage.

However, as smartphones have become more powerful and capable, the need for “lite” versions of apps has decreased. Many budget and mid-range smartphones today have sufficient processing power and memory to run full-featured apps without significant performance issues. As a result, the demand for lightweight versions like Messenger Lite has diminished.

Additionally, by discontinuing the app, Meta may be streamlining its app portfolio and focusing on its main platforms and products. Users can still use the full Messenger app to access messaging features and other functionalities that were not available in Messenger Lite.

The decision to discontinue SMS functionality in Messenger further aligns with this direction, as messaging apps have evolved to offer more advanced features beyond traditional SMS.

Overall, as smartphone technology continues to advance, the need for “lite” versions of apps is becoming less relevant, and companies like Meta are adapting to these changes in the mobile landscape.




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