FacebookHow To

3 ways to contact Facebook Support to Fix issues with your account

If you have an issue with your Facebook account, you may need to contact Facebook support to receive the help you need in order to resolve the issue. The problem is, getting in touch with the Facebook support team can be very complicated. While they do have phone numbers you can call, you will be disappointed if you are calling those numbers with the hopes of speaking with a real support agent as all you will be greeted with is a voice recording that will talk you through several menus till you are finally told to send a message to a certain email address. 

how to contact facebook support

So how do you contact Facebook support and get a quick response? Stay put as I walk you through several options for reaching out to Facebook if you need their attention.

How to contact Facebook customer support

To contact Facebook support, you will be required to log in to your Facebook account and follow the following steps.

  1. After login in, click on your profile headshot, the one located at the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select “Help & Support”.
  3. Now, you will have three options to choose from: “Help Centre”, “Support Inbox”, and “Report a problem”. Click on “Report a problem”.
  4. Two more menus will pop up: “Help us improve the new Facebook” and “Something went wrong”.
  5. Click on “Something went wrong” if you are reporting an issue with your account, otherwise click on the other option if you just want to suggest new features or improvements to Facebook.

Ask the Facebook Help Community

Facebook also have a community where users like yourself come and help each other out with answers to various issues raised. You can get support for your Facebook issues from here. To use this method, simply go to https://web.facebook.com/help/fblite/community, and if you are not already signed in, do so and you will be able to ask your question and get a response. You can also respond to some other questions already asked by others if you know the answers.

Contact Facebook Support using their other social handles

Although not as swift as the first two, this is another medium through which you can contact Facebook support and get a response. You can simply send a direct Twitter message to them or create a tweet and tag the official Facebook Twitter account. If that tweet gets enough engagement, Facebook will likely see it and drop you a response. You can also use Instagram as well for this strategy.

With the three options outlined, you will be able to get support and fix any issue you have with your Facebook account.


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