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How to Install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 11/10 (Full Guide)

How to install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 11/10

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about how to install Android Studio and SDK on Windows 11/10 in very easy steps. For those of you who might not know, Android Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) by Google that helps developers build apps for Android devices, from smartphones to tablets, wearables and more. If you have Windows 10 or Windows 11 but have no idea where to start with installing Android Studio, I suggest you follow this easy guide below.

Installing the Latest Java Version

This is for those who would prefer to use the Android SDK command line version rather than the Android Studio

  1. Go to the official Java Downloads page, scroll down to the “Windows” tab, and click on it.
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Download Java
  1. Choose the “x64 MSI Installer”, and download it.
  2. Now install the latest Java version on your PC. After installation, you will find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk- (with or similar, being the number version).
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Java Location

Install SDK Command Line

Android Studio can be described as a large-sized application, and although we believe that its user interface is an extremely user-friendly way to manage the development toolkit and applications, some prefer the command-line method. So here’s how to Install the SDK command line;

Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Get Sdk

ALSO SEE: How to Remove AutoIt Error in Windows 11/10


Get Started With SDK Command Line

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Next, cd to the “bin” folder:
cd C:\Android\cmdline-tools\tools\bin
  1. Entering the below command will display the list of installed, valid and working packages, including those that can be updated.
sdkmanager --list
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Sdkmanager
  1. Type in the following to install the platform tools:
sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-33"

After installing You should see the updated “platform-tools” folder in the “Android” folder. This folder houses adb.exe, fastboot.exe and several other executables.

Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Platform Tools

You will now have access to the adb and fastboot commands, and if you like sideloading your apps on Android and experimenting with options for recovery, this will be useful.

Install Android Studio

If you are like some, who would rather work with the user-friendly interface of Android Studio, and take advantage of its very many features, follow these steps to install Android Studio…

Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Import
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Java Folder
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Performance
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Download Complete
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows New Project
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Sdk Manager Options
Install Android Sdk Studio Windows Sdk Manager Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check my current Java version?

To check your Java version, type in the below command into the Command Prompt: java -version. The current version you’re running will be displayed.


I’m getting a “sdkmanager is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” error. How do I fix this?

Go back to the section in this tutorial in which you established the environmental variables. Cross-check that you unzipped the command line tools correctly. Make sure you’ve copied exactly the right path to the folder source, and ensure that you pasted it where it ought to be.

My Android Studio download is being interrupted. What can I do?

If your download is being slowed down, it’s because of high CPU usage or issues with the internet, which could have caused the delay in downloading. To prevent this from happening it is recommended to close all applications and programs in use at that moment to avoid the internet from being utilized through other applications.

How do I run SDK Manager?

To launch the SDK Manager from Android Studio Click the Tools menu and select SDK Manager or click SDK Manager on the toolbar.If you don’t have Android Studio, you can download the necessary tools using the SDK Manager command-line tool.

Which Android SDK tools should I install?

Install the “SDK Platform” for the Android versions you’ve selected as minimum and target.


If you follow the above steps carefully to install Android Studio and SDK on your Windows 10/11 computer, everything should be set up properly now and you can begin developing those apps you want to.

Credit – MakeTechEasier

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