How To

How To Activate ENT Debit Card

ENT Credit Union, also known as ENT, is a reputable credit lending company that caters to the financial needs of Ent Air Force Base and communities along the Front Range. With over 400,000 members and more than 40 service centers, ENT offers various products and services including Banking, Checking, Credit and Debit Cards, and Loans.

If you have recently received a new ENT card, it is important to activate it before you can use it for online or offline payments. In this guide, we will provide you with simple steps to activate your ENT debit card. Let’s get started!

Basic Ways to Activate ENT Debit Card

There are two primary methods to activate your ENT card. The first option is to activate it online, which requires online banking registration. The second option is to activate your card over the phone, a quick process that does not require online banking.

Method #1: Activate Your ENT Debit Card Online

To activate your ENT card online, you must first have an ENT online banking account. If you haven’t registered for one, follow these steps to sign up:

  • Visit the ENT online banking registration page.
  • Complete the registration form by providing your account number, first name, last name, the last 4 digits of your SSN, birth date, zip code, home phone number, and email address.
  • After entering the necessary information, click the “SUBMIT” button.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to finalize the registration process.

Once you have an account, follow these steps to activate your ENT card:

  • Go to and click the ‘Login’ button.
  • Enter your username and password to sign in to your Online Banking account.
  • Navigate to the ‘Services’ tab and select ‘Card Controls’.
  • Confirm your new card information and submit it to complete the activation process.
  • If you encounter any issues during the activation process, reach out to ENT card customer support for assistance.

Method #2: Activate Your ENT Debit Card Over the Phone

Activating your ENT card over the phone is a convenient and secure option. To do this, call ENT customer support at 833-285-1741 to activate your ENT debit or ATM card. Before making the call, ensure you have your card information ready, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV code. Simply follow the on-call prompts to easily complete the ENT card activation process.

Also read: How to activate my new Discover Card


How can activate an ENT Debit Card without having an account with ENT?

Luckily, you can activate an ENT Debit Card without having an account. However, you will call their customer care number and follow the command to activate your card.


What happens when accidentally inputting the wrong code while activating the ENT Debit Card?

When you enter the wrong activation code during activation, repeat the process. If you keep getting an incorrect code message, you might need to contact customer support for assistance. They will walk you through how to activate your card.

How do I activate my ENT debit card?

We believe you already have an online account with ENT, but if you don’t, you can follow the steps in this post to create an account. Once you are done creating an account, follow the process below to activate your card.
Log into your online banking
Head to the Services tab and select card control
Input your card information and click submit to complete the activation process

Final Words

Activating your ENT debit card is crucial before you can use it for transactions. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily activate your card either online or over the phone. If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to seek assistance from ENT card customer support. Enjoy the convenience and security of your activated ENT debit card!



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