
New games added to Netflix mobile app

Guess the streaming mogul, Netflix, isn’t just good at showing your blockbuster series and thriller movies, but the brand has a gaming section on its mobile app for both Android and iOS and it keeps expanding – seven new games have been added to the Netflix mobile app. 

What new games on the Netflix mobile app 

First off, there is the Skies of Chaos. This is a classic aeroplane shooter kind of game with an aesthetic feel as regards the visuals and even nice characters to match. Next is the Flutter Butterflies, this game explores your creativity and sees how you can collect a variety of butterflies from a custom rain forest. 

Stranger things: Puzzle tales. Yes, it’s what you’re thinking (it’s related to the very interesting TV series, Stranger things). The puzzle RPG game is a setup where you get to face enemies and level up on characters in the process. Country friends are for those with a liking for simulators. It is a farm simulator game where you get to build acres of land and then plant crops and rear livestock on it – it’s giving you that farming feel. 

Cats and Soup is more like a fairytale game as the visuals look like some sort of enchanted forest. In this forest, you get to help “Feline critters” create delicious soups(not that you can know the taste though, you can’t), however, you get to explore variety as you can choose from different cats and create a lot of delicious recipes. 

Reigns: Three Kingdom. This game gives the archaic feel of you creating armies and defeating kingdoms (somewhat like the popular Clash of Clans on the Google Play store). Lastly, there’s the Hello Kitty Happiness parade which is a fun dance game where the character and the accomplices hold a parade in the world of fantasy. So there you have it, the seven new games that were brought to the Netflix Mobile app, in addition to the many other interesting features of this software. 



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