OnePlusHow To

How To Clean OnePlus Buds Pro 2

OnePlus Buds Pro 2 are high-quality wireless earbuds that offer exceptional sound quality and features. However, like any other earbuds, they need to be cleaned regularly to ensure that they continue to function properly and maintain their optimal performance. 

Cleaning your OnePlus Buds Pro 2 is not only essential for hygiene reasons but also for the longevity of your device. Below, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to clean your OnePlus Buds Pro 2, including tips on what cleaning products to use and what precautions to take. Bearing that in mind, let’s kick things off!

Gather your cleaning supplies

Before you begin cleaning your OnePlus Buds Pro 2, you will need a few basic supplies. These include a microfiber cloth, a soft-bristled brush, a toothbrush, cotton swabs, and rubbing alcohol or a specialized electronic cleaning solution. It is important to use only mild cleaning agents and avoid harsh chemicals that may damage the earbuds.

Basic Tips to Clean OnePlus Buds Pro 2

Here are the basic tips to follow when cleaning your OnePlus Buds Pro 2;

1. Remove the ear tips and wipe down the exterior

The first step in cleaning your OnePlus Buds Pro 2 is to remove the ear tips and wipe down the exterior with a microfiber cloth. This will remove any dust, dirt, or smudges that may have accumulated on the surface of the earbuds. Be sure to use a gentle touch and avoid pressing too hard or using abrasive materials that could scratch the earbuds.

2. Clean the ear tips

Next, it is time to clean the ear tips. These are the silicone caps that fit into your ear canal and help to provide a secure and comfortable fit. To clean the ear tips, gently remove them from the earbuds and wash them in warm soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush to remove any dirt or debris, and rinse thoroughly under running water. Allow the ear tips to air dry completely before reattaching them to the earbuds.

3. Clean the earbuds’ grilles

The grilles on the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 are located at the bottom of each earbud and are responsible for allowing sound to pass through. Over time, these grilles can become clogged with earwax, dirt, and other debris, which can negatively impact the sound quality of the earbuds. 

To clean the grilles, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol or electronic cleaning solution and gently rub it over the surface of the grilles. Be sure to use a light touch and avoid getting any liquid inside the earbuds.


4. Store the earbuds properly

Finally, it is important to store your OnePlus Buds Pro 2 properly when not in use. This will help to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating on the surface of the earbuds and keep them looking and sounding their best. Store the earbuds in their charging case when not in use, and be sure to clean the case regularly with a soft cloth or brush.

Wrapping It Up

Cleaning your OnePlus Buds Pro 2 is a simple and important task that will help to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By following these easy tips, you can keep your earbuds looking and sounding great for years to come.


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